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The material on this web site is only of general informational value and is not intended to provide a recommendation or influence your investment decision. No person should act or refrain from acting solely on the basis of this material and should always seek independent professional finance before making any investment decision. The material on this web site does not constitute legal, product, general product or other financial advice and your access to the web site does not, of itself, give rise to any obligations, recommendations or provision of advice by or on behalf of Balanced Securities Limited (the Company).

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As far as permitted by law, the Company excludes all liability to third parties arising directly or indirectly out of their use of or reference on materials contained in this web site. Specifically, the Company does not warrant that the files contained in or referred to in this web site are free of viruses or other defects or are Year 2000 compliant. In the event that liability cannot, by law, be excluded, the liability of the Company will be limited to replacing the defective file.

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Balanced Securities Limited (the Company) is an unlisted public company whose principal activity is the acceptance of investor funds and the making of loans secured by mortgages over real estate assets. All of the Company�s assets are charged in favour of the Trustee [Australian Executor Trustees Limited] as trustee for the secured note holders.


The Company provides general financial product advice but does not provide personal financial product advice in relation to investments in secured notes. Any information contained on this web site is general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, tax or financial situation or particular needs or circumstances. Because of that you should assess whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your circumstances. The Company recommends that you get professional advice from (as necessary), a licenced financial adviser and/or tax adviser to determine your individual investment objectives before making an investment decision. The Prospectus is not a statement of advice.